共為你找到:200筆2013 happy 4 k pop concert in taiwan 相關企業資訊
艾達斯股份有限公司 主要以 貿易 和 電腦相關 為主 our company is the business treading agency we have different client about the ore and coal all over the world In taiwan we are also the IT hardware services company
我們是全台灣稀有而獨特的國際運送業者, 因為我們的日常服務範疇涵蓋 “船務代理 / 租傭船 / 海空貨運承攬 / 重大件陸運 / 國內離島運輸 “ 等 . 絕大多數同業僅能實際涉獵其中部份項目 . 我們的業務操作主要是與國際知名的專業代理及船東合作 , 因為許多特殊貨物運送非台灣業者所能獨力完成 . 我們同時已經成為數家大陸及韓國船東在台總代理 . 尤其甚者 , 本公司代理六條兩岸直航船 , 佔有市場約十分之一席次. 最令人振奮的是 , 自2009年以來 , 本公司蒙船東青睞 , 受委託代為操作一條載重量9300噸的散裝雜貨船 , 縱然目前市場依舊低迷 , 然而在本公司竭盡心力踏實經營下 , 交出令人讚賞的成績 . 相信在不久將來 , 必然會吸引更多船東之支持而能擴充服務船隊. We are unique transporter in Taiwan. Our business scope covers almost all services in various transport including Ship agency, Ship broker / Chartering, Freight forwarder and Ship operator. We focus on project cargoes and conventional bulk services through cooperation with worldwide well-known agencies and shipowners. Meanwhile we are general agent for some PRC and Korean shipping lines. Incomparably we are handling six vessels granted for direct sailing between Taiwan and China. The last but not least point we’d like to introduce is one break bulk vessel of DWCC 9300mts is under our operating since year 2009. Expectably we may have good opportunity to win other shipowners trust for other bulk vessels to enlarge our ship fleet in the near future due to our excellent performance.
Lynstans headquarters are located in Taipei, Taiwan. We have branches around the world including China, Korea, Mongolia, Russia and Singapore. In order to fulfill the different demands from worldwide customers Lynstan provides consultation, design, production, and certification information. We believe that the development and quality of our products as well as a reliable customer service hotline are key components in the success of any company. You are welcome to visit our website: www.lynstan.com for further information. Lynstan is a manufacturer, with factories located in Taiwan and China. Our main product lines and services are: We position ourselves not the lowest price killer, but, the reasonable price and professional solution provider in order to establish a long term relationship with our customers. Please let us know if you need more information about Lynstan. We are looking forward to receiving your contact soon.
邁思會展是一間年輕、有創意、活力、服務熱忱及良好口碑的專業會展公司,提供最專業之國內外會議、企業活動之全方位諮詢、企劃暨執行服務。如果您有創意和活力,歡迎您加入我們這個大家庭! TW MICE - The Leading DMC in Taiwan TW MICE’s competitive edge is our focus, professionalism, local knowledge, language advantage and experience. We have always sought to promote and enrich Taiwan as MICE destination and provided access to perfect event experience in Taiwan. The founder and employees of TW MICE are experienced MICE industry professionals and we are passionate about the activities TW MICE promotes and offers. We are confident in our ability to meet the needs of our customers with infinite possibilities because we have been working in the MICE industry and understand the expectations. TW MICE’s confidence and ability translates into confidence for our client and a starting point towards developing long-term relationships and trust. TW MICE is your trustworthy partner for our clients who select Taiwan as their MICE destination as we are the best in the industry and our strong strategic partnerships with suppliers. Through consistent professionalism, we ensure you receive every detailed attention you deserve
致力鋁合金各式槽車的拓展研發 本公司之經營理念為: 《堅持完美、品質優先、服務至上》 2000年成立,致力鋁合金各式槽車之製造及研發,集合歐美日等國產品之優點、並針對本國路況及使用特性不斷改進;品質較諸歐美先進國家產品絕不遜色,秉持以『MADE IN TAIWAN』為榮。 2006年初於高縣大社三民路建新廠房為止已產製逾300輛各式鋁合金槽車 ,由於品質優越普受業界肯定,屢獲同業之委任代工。 2006年底導入ISO 9001 品質管理系統,建立品質第一、顧客至上之理念,達到永續經營之目標。 設計團隊由資深國立機械研究所專業人員主導,兼具實務理論,產品創新優異。 交通部公路總局核准 ”常壓液態罐槽車檢驗場” 受理全省罐車之代檢業務。本廠近一高大社交流道約600公尺,距二高10號燕巢交流道約4.7公里;交通十分便捷。
本公司為機械零件加工代工廠,致力提昇工件產品之準確度,穩定性與效率,引進日本MAZAK高精度五軸機械設備投入生產營運 ,秉持服務與熱忱之態度與客戶面對 ,藉由客戶的需求學習與成長並累積經驗增加競爭力 , 貴公司若需要本公司服務與配合請與我們聯絡. 謝謝您! Sin Bai Li Precision Co., Ltd. was established in 2010 by a highly experienced team for specializing in precision engineered parts products. It is dedicated to the design, development, manufacture and marketing of a broad range of precision engineered parts products, including Medical instruments Supplies processing OEM, Aerospace industry parts processing, 3C Electronic parts processing, Car, Motorcycle, Bicycle parts Manufacturing, Tools, Machine parts processing. It is a sizable and reputable corporation. The factories are located in Taiwan. It has extensive experience in doing OEM/ODM business in accordance with customer's need. It has a complete quality control system as well to ensure high quality standard. Its Leading Technologies, Superior Quality, Competitive Prices and Excellent Service can meet the market trend and customers' expectations. 加工代工項目 (1):醫療器具用品加工代工 (2):航太工業零件加工代工 (3): 3C 電子零件加工代工 (4):汽,機車, 腳踏車零件加工代工 (5):工具機業零件部品加工代工 Main Product (1)Medical Instruments Supplies Processing OEM (2)Aerospace Industry Parts Processing (3)3C Electronic Parts Processing (4)Car, Motorcycle, Bicycle Parts Manufacturing (5)Tools, Machine Parts Processing 公司地址: 407 台中市西屯區環中路二段996號 TEL:(04)2452-0606  FAX:(04)2452-5929  Mobil:0935-358800 E-mail: [email protected] 聯絡人:黃文宗 Sin Bai Li Precision Co.,Ltd. Address:No.996,Sec.2,Huanzhong Rd.,SitunDist.,Taichung City 407,Taiwan,R.O.C TEL: +886 4 2452 0606  FAX: +886 4 2452 5929  Mobil:+886 935358800 E-mail: [email protected]
首席雲端商務有限公司簡介 本公司為一新創公司,我們的核心任務為打造「國際電話行銷中心」,電銷已有數十年歷史,但應用在國際推銷則為未開發的處女地。作為新創事業,本公司應用最新雲端科技,從前台的電子商務、電銷中心軟硬體到後台的CRM與ERP都採雲端系統建置,結合「call center」、「e-commerce」、「cloud」三位一體,創造出殺手級的創新應用服務。經營團隊具備電子產業、電子商務、國際行銷與貿易等數十年經營實務經驗,團隊成員根據多年全球商務推廣成功經驗累積,結合國際行銷知識並應用最新雲端科技,以期創造新的商業推廣模式。 經營理念 建立經營理念是有利於永續經營,秉持「公正誠信」的治理基本理念,用心的推展公司各項工作。以下為首席的經營理念: 1. 專注於MADE IN TAIWAN產品推廣,以期成為世界級的供應者。 2. 產業升級,根留台灣。 3. 側重高度的職業道德。 4. 側重人才、管理,追求永續發展。 5. 客戶是我們的夥伴。 6. 品質是我們行為的準則。 7. 發展與國內外業界廠商形成策略聯盟關係。
實耐寶公司成立於1920年,總部設於美國威斯康辛州的肯諾沙市,目前全球員工約有14,000人。實耐寶公司是世界上規模最大的專業生產和銷售汽車維修、檢測設備以及飛機和汽車高檔維修工具的專業公司之一,位列美國500強。多年以來,實耐寶公司以其先進的技術和製造工藝不斷推出高品質的創新產品,並透過遍佈在北美、歐洲、亞洲、大洋州等地的銷售網路銷往世界各地。 Snap-on Incorporated founded in 1920, headquartered in Kenosha, Wisconsin with approximately 14,000 employees worldwide. Snap-on is a leading developer, manufacturer and marketer of tools and equipment solutions for professional tool users, which is ranked in US TOP500 Corporations. With the advanced technologies and processes, Snap-on continuously develop new products with high quality, which are sold worldwide through its franchised dealer vans, direct sales, distributors and internet channel. Snap-on Taiwan branch, a subsidiary of Snap-on Incorporated in Taiwan, provides sales and service for all product lines under Snap-on group. 1920年,Snap-on成立。 從公司成立之日起,Snap-on一直致力於為專業用戶提供可靠的工具及設備,成為世界最大專業工具及設備供應商之一,全球領先的創新製造者。   Snap-on在各應用領域擁有多個世界級品牌,產品線覆蓋手動工具、電/氣動工具、工具車、切割工具及汽車診斷維修設備及軟體等。選擇Snap-on,意味著選擇了可信的產品、全面的服務、更新的技術、更多的方法。Snap-on利用自身的專業技術,不斷創新,無論用戶的需求如何,Snap-on都有產品以滿足用戶的需要。   Snap-on銷售遍及全球一百五十多個國家和地區,產品在全世界享有盛譽並成為各行業領先公司的首選。Snap-on產品可應用於各種場合,無論在汽車、飛機的製造與維修,或是化工、採礦、電力、建築等行業,Snap-on都在為用戶提供高效新穎的產品、服務和解決方案。   八十五年來,Snap-on創新的設計、精密的加工和周到的服務越來越多的受到用戶的信任,成就了Snap-on今天的美名。我們意識到自己肩頭的責任,不斷在尋求更新、更好、更有效的方式以確保滿足用戶日益提高的要求。我們確信Snap-on的能力,將讓您的努力如虎添翼! 台灣實耐寶為Snap-on集團在台成立之直屬分公司,負責Snap-on集團各產品線在台之銷售與服務,為提升服務品質與市場規模,正擴大招募,歡迎加入我們的團隊,成為全球跨國公司的成員Snap-on集團的一員。 瑞典Bahco魚牌手工具,鋸帶,手鋸片,機械鋸片。 美國CDI扭力工具 美國Sioux氣動工具 美國ATI航太工具 美國John Bean 輪胎四輪定位儀/輪胎平衡機/拆胎機 德國ofmann輪胎四輪定位儀/輪胎平衡機/拆胎機
Maxcare Inc. was established in 1990 and is one of the major distributors for nutraceutical ingredients in Taiwan.Maxcare represents several well known branded nutraceutical ingredients.
企業簡介 專業團體制服/Tee Shirt/Polo衫/帽子製做. Made In Taiwan 平面視覺設計規劃.
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